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The Membership Committee is pleased to announce our 2024 applicants for membership to our club. Their completed application packages are posted here (by clicking on their names) for our members to peruse. As per our bylaws, this information has to be made available to our members at least two weeks prior to the Board voting on them. If a member has any opinions, yay or nay on these prospective members, they are encouraged to express them to a Board member. This information will also be posted at the club.

 We have two lists here. One is for Guest Members. This is the process most applicants have to go through. They must become a guest member for at least one year before being considered for full membership. These people need two sponsors from our active members. 

Guest Member Applicants

1) Mark Boire & Pete Quinnan

2) Mike & Lauren McMillan

3) Bob & Annie Nakamura

4) Dan & Sylvan Schulz

5) Patrick Thompson & Kay Pentzien

The next group are legacies. These are folks who are directly related to current members. They do not need to go through guest membership or gather sponsors. The thinking is that they already know our club and likely many of our members have already met them. Upon Board approval (generally done in June) they will become full active voting members

Legacy Applicants

1) Alex & Carmen Anderson

2) Sandy Nahra

3) Annie Newland

Respectfully submitted,

Bill Renz & Suzy Wheeler (The Membership Committee)


Application packets can be accessed by clicking on the names listed above.


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